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"Try, try again, repeat": what it takes to create a revolutionary IoT product

6 September 2022

Co-Talk with Håkan Dackefjord, CEO/Founder at WiTTRA

Imagine aiming at a moving target, while riding a wild horse and being completely blindfolded; an accurate picture of what the world of IoT startups feels like.On one hand, IoT is a field that has emerged recently and is constantly evolving, making it difficult to make long-term decisions and understand the right tools to be able to unlock its full potential. On the other hand, the start up world relies quite a lot on taking risks, pioneering, and innovating. These two factors make these two worlds fit nicely together; where experimentation, error, and resilience are the main drivers of success.In this talk, Mansour and Håkan will share the exciting journey of Wittra, an organization that embraced daring as one of its core values since its inception. They will talk about some of the main challenges the company has faced, and how they could overcome them with the right mindset geared towards trying and daring.