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The Engagement Experiment

27 July 2023, Berlin

A shocking near to 9 out of 10 German employees describe themselves as not engaged, or even actively disengaged at work. This lack of engagement is not only obviously harming organisations and the success of their business, it also negatively impacts the well-being of those who disengage.
As a business leader of a multinational company, Sanna found these numbers both alarming and intriguing – how can this be and what can we do about it? She started researching the topic and spent the past months conducting experiments on her colleagues and friends, with the goal of exploring the concept of engagement from all directions.
In this talk, she will present her findings on why we disengage and even more importantly: what makes us engage and take ownership of the things around us. She will also share reflections of everyday actions that you as a leader can take to spark engagement in others as well as in yourself.